Gaming I need you guys help/opinions

Mr Teamguy

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Oct 16, 2015
Hi there Sir , Mr Team Guy here . As you see my youtube name may be silly but it's easy to remember Tyzer if that is how you will call your channel may be good , but at first you need to ask yourself : what is different about my channel from other channels (well ofcourse there will be alot of similiar channels) First thing that needs to come in mind is the atmosphere , what is the character that you do in the videos . As i see you're being yourself all the time , so the name Tyzer is pretty damn good in my opinion . I am not qualified to give advice about growing bigger on youtube because i am just starting , but i think i studied alot about how to start a good quality gaming channel , you Always have to improve more and more that is what will let you grow , and btw you probalby know this advice already (don't play games that you are not interested in and don't work to hard on your channel because if you wore yourself out , your content will suffer . I dno , probably my advices wont help you very much ... Keep it up Sir . And maybe use facecam because people watch let's plays not only for gameplay , they are more intersted to watch you play , just like people watch basketball not play it :)