Gaming How's it going Freedom! Family, HolySan here!! :D


Rising User
Dec 2, 2015
Hello everyone! Hello FREEDOM! My name is Sérgio Oliveira aka HolySan and i'm a 25 year young Portuguese boy with a serious addiction, but we'll get there.

I found about Freedom! on my own while browsing google for ways to improve both, my youtube and twitch channels. I saw you guys, read about you, asked around and i decided to apply for partnership. I was really surprised whn i was accepted! Honeslty didn't think that a small Youtuber as myself would be partner with Freedom! But guess what? I'M HERE!! :D

My next step is to try and learn more about this family and to also let the family know more about me, that's why i joined the forums.
Now now, let's see. Hobbies. I love gaming, music, hanging out with friends and PIZZA! Yeah i know what you're going to say "But Holy, pizza is not an hobbie!". It is. When you love pizza as much as i do, it becomes an hobbie. Trust me, i'm there ;)

I started making videos for youtube mainly because a lot of people told me to. I have a serious addiction when it comes to gaming (there, i said it. and no i don't want to cure this one, thank you gamers anonymous) and i had a lot of friends and family telling me "If you love gaming that much, why not share it with the world?". That got me thinking. "Can i do it? Will it work?". Long story short, i'm here and still trying to figure out the answer to both of those questions.

One of my biggest dreams is to actually be able to do this for a living. Making youtube content and streaming. I mean, when your watching me, either on youtube videos or live on streams, and i'm able to make you forget about your problems, put a smile on your face and make you come back for more, that's mission accomplished for me.

I upload mainly gaming content, be it let's plays, faqs, cool experiences i had when gaming.. I do videos of pretty much everything i can think of when it comes to gaming, and i try to do it daily, when i'm on vacations, or at least 1/2 videos a week when i'm working. That's what i'm aiming for and i'll work my ass off to do it.

You can find me here ->

Aaand i think that's it. If you want to know more about me, ask away!

Can't wait to know more about you (yeah you, brave soul, that somehow is still reading my Big S introduction)

God Bless Your Beatiful Face! <3
