Community HolyBinder the Canadian/Brazilian guy!


New User
Aug 19, 2014
Hey guys! I'm the Canadian/Brasilian guy in Freedom. I'm here just about a year now and stoped showing by on the Freedom, MGN and Foruns because i have lost a little bit of the will to keep going.

Sorry about the bad english and thats my story!

I was born in Canada but my family is from Brazil so i live here. My channel is in portuguese because most of my public speak the language. I tried once to change it to english but it didn't made the cut. So why i'm here on the Internacional Freedom Forum?! Because this community is just too good.

So i would really like to ask just for one thing from you that ir reading this right now. With you know someone that has a channel like mine, not in english, hit him. Help me finde this guys here in the forum and help us become stronger on the Freedom family.

Thanks for your attancion and have a awsome day!