Gaming Hi! I'm D1egend!


New User
Dec 18, 2015
Q: What kind of channel do you run?: What kind of content do you upload? When do you upload?:

A: My Channel is mostly a League of Legend Montage and Creative animation channel.

I am learning how to make animations with Adobe Flash (it's a lot of fun!) and I just started making funny clips related to League of Legends! I hope to get better and continue to make "cartoons" of things that are happening with the League of Legend community/gameplay. I was planning on starting out with a weekly animation of "metaphors" surrounding League ELO levels or just gameplay in general. I added on to that recently and am planning on doing a daily montage (single highlight clip) that is either funny or ridiculous!
As I continue with Youtube, I hope to continue to adapt and modify my content. I will try to maintain at least a daily upload rate because I feel like frequency is a very important factor in gaining a viewership.

Q: Why did you start YouTube?

A: I started YouTube because I use YouTube a LOT! I have friends who are really successful League of Legend Youtubers/streamers and it just seemed like a lot of fun. A viewership can bring on a lot of cool interactions! Although I do want to be "famous", I think it would just be cool to be known for the game I love to play and be surrounded with people who can respect and enjoy that.

Another reason I started YouTube was because I was already recording my games for self-improvement (to get to Diamond/Masters level next season hopefully). I figured that I could share some of the things I see (funny, crazy, disappointing, ridiculous, etc.). If my viewers end up requesting Full-Game commentary, I would be ecstatic to oblige because I kind of already do that on my own.

YouTube just seems like a great place, I wish I joined sooner, but I guess it's never too late!

Q: What is your biggest dream? What are your hobbies?

A: My biggest dream is to open multiple businesses that are Engineering related. I will be having an Engineering degree soon along with a Management Degree. I have other projects and adventures going on along side this YouTube idea. I hope to create and sell multiple inventions as one of my main businesses. This dream is mostly fueled by the REAL dream to have a beautiful healthy family in the future and have kids that I can provide a bright future for.

My hobbies are mostly sports, video games, and engineering. I love reading the Technology and Market section of The Wall Street Journal. I also LOVE anime and Super Hero TV Shows(Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Sherlock Holmes, etc.)

Q: How did you find Freedom!? What made you join our forums?

A: I found Freedom through another new YouTuber. Although he/she had recommended Freedom, I am still not sure if they are a part of Freedom, themselves. They said Freedom is a great place to start as a beginner YouTuber and can mold me into a successful YouTuber. My other YouTube friends are part of larger networks such as Curse (Union for Gaming), which requires a large subscribership and viewership (which I do not have yet). I hope Freedom can help me and I hope to help Freedom =).

I joined the Forums to help get myself out there! I want people to know me and I want to know who else and what else is out there! I hope to make friends and start on this YouTube Journey with all of you!

Thank you for reading! Check out my channel, I think I have the subscriber or link button created by my settings? I am not sure if I can post the link to my channel without getting an auto ban hammer, but thank you!


Respected User
Nov 20, 2015
Welcome to the community :)

SUBSCRIBERS: 11/100 | VIEWS: 39,175/50,000
Your focus determines my goal of 100 Subscribers!
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