Gaming Hi Everybody! Newbie here :)


New User
Nov 25, 2015
Massachusetts, USA
So here's a brief lil introduction of me:

Your name: Juan
(Optional) Where are you from?: Massachusetts, the United States of America
(Optional) How old are you?: 16
How did you find Freedom!?: Prism Gaming UK told me all about the organization
What made you join our forums?: I wanted to become a part of the Freedom community! :D
What are your hobbies?: Playing video games, learning about history (ESPECIALLY WWI)
What is your favorite food?: Pizza
Why did you start YouTube?: I wanted to entertain people and lift myself from depression
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? To backpack around Europe
What kind of channel do you run?: A gaming channel
What kind of content do you upload? Tips and Tricks, Top 5's, commentaries and informational videos. Mostly for Black Ops 3 Zombies
When do you upload?: I tryyyyyy to upload every day, but this usually cannot happen given my schedule. But Usually several times a week.
Channel link:

BTW: I'm on the Xbox One if anyone wants to play with me sometimes :) My gamertag is the same as my username, and I would love playing with everyone :D


Tech YouTuber!
Freedom! Member
Hey @ThaJuanStar,

Welcome to Freedom!! I'm so glad that you introduced yourself on our forums. I see that you like the play games, what other games do you play? I play Minecraft and NBA 2K16 at the moment on the PC. I was planning on purchasing an Xbox One or a PS4 but at the moment I don't have the time to invest into playing video games. But Black Ops 3 does look really fun. It's like $50 CAD on G2A so I might just pick that up some time. How's the Black Ops 3 multiplayer and zombies? Looks freakin' epic dude!