Gaming HEY!


Mythic User
Nov 26, 2015
Not in Fallout 4
I found Freedom through youtuber where everyone is apart of it.
I just want to connect with people and discover new channels and gain new exposure
Playing Video Games and going to the gym
Anything Italian or McDonalds
Started Youtube because I always loved the site and I just wanted to give it a shot and put in effort
I run a gaming channel
Funny/Awkward stories in my life people can relate to or just see me have terrible moments in my life.
I try to upload atleast 3 times a week (Just started today)

On a side note I have a semi formal dance/party to go tomorrow and I don't know what I'm going to wear so anyone who can send me help please do cause this whole formality shenanigans is some next level stuff. (I'm a guy btw)