Gaming Hey Wassap Guys


New User
Oct 25, 2015
Hey wassap guys BeastGamer20 here but you can call me Derrick. I live in Boston Massachusetts and I am new to this forum. I found Freedom by trying to partner with a network and they led me to this forum. It's a pretty good site so far I can see. Pretty smooth layout. Playing video games is a passion of mine so I decided to make videos on YouTube to share my love of playing video games. I love Chinese food by the way. My biggest dream is to become successful on YouTube and make this hobbie into a career. I am at 45/50 subscribers which is my goal for this year. I post a number of games like Destiny, 2K, Call of Duty and so much more. You can check out my channel at I would love for you guys and gals to stop by and check me out! Anyway, this has been ya boy BeastGamer20 aka Derrick, and I'm signing out. PEACE!


Tech YouTuber!
Freedom! Member
Hey a Freedom! Partner that plays NBA 2K!

Wassup man? Good to see another NBA 2K player around here! I love playing 2K but I don't really post 2K content. I see that you have 45 subscribers trying to achieve 50. Same here! Except I have 42 subscribers haha. I sure hope we can both obtain 50 soon :)