Gaming Hey Freedom Family (Hola Familia Freedom!)

Zodiako Androf

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2015
Hola Freedom!

Pues nada soy nuevo en Freedom y Como muchos aqui busco surgir en youtube.
Soy Chileno por ende mis videos estan en habla hispana. Como estoy empezando aun me cuesta un poco soltarme ante el micrófono pero estoy mejorando! yeah!
Subo en gran mayoria videos de Starcraft 2 LOTV asi que si te gusta pasate por mi canal! :D

Espero poder acomodarme bien a esta gran familia (y espero tambien ser aceptado para el partner pronto xd) y eso mas que nada ! muchas gracias!

Hey Freedom Family.

Im new around here and like others i seek to grow in youtube.
Im Chilean (from latin america xd) so my videos are in spanish. As i am beginning on this i have some difficulties to express myself but I'm getting better! yeah!

I upload videos of Starcraft 2 LOTV and I'm still looking for some other game for upload.

I hope to fit well to this big family (and i hope to be accepted as a partner to xd)
and that's it Thank you very much for this opportunity!

Sorry for the bad inglish u.u xD


Distinguished User
May 15, 2014
San Francisco, California
How's it going dude? Welcome to the Freedom Family! :) Thanks for going through the extra effort to speak English for us btw. Haven't met anyone in the forums from Chile yet so what a great way to start a day of Youtubing :D Uh, I'd try and give some recommendations on games you can try out but I'm a console guy unfortunately xP I will say tho that Team Fortress 2 is an INCREDIBLE game to give a try if you haven't already. It's free, and a ton of fun ;) Give the Mann vs. Machine game mode a try, it was the first one I tried and it's a great place to figure out the controls.

Anyways I hope you enjoy the forums man! If you need help with anything feel free to ask around, if Freedom's one thing it's friendly :D Best of luck with the channel and have an awesome day! - Brandon

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