Gaming Hello world


New User
Oct 21, 2015
Greetings citizens of Freedom,

My name is Junhyub (Teddy) Lee.

I'm from New York.

Age 21.

I found Freedom some months ago. This is before I became a content creator and was deciding if I should be one.

I joined this forum to let everyone know I exist.

I am not usually picky but I would say bibimbap.

I started Youtube months after my friend decide to do Youtube (he's also a small Youtuber). I always felt so low self-esteemed and hesitant of being a dull Youtuber. But I decided to head in eventually. Most because I am the kind of guy who like to express creativity and enjoy what I enjoy doing.

Personally, I don't know what I want to do. I want to be a Youtuber but I wonder if this is what I want to do. But I'll have to soldier on and see where this takes me.

I am running a gaming channel. I am kind of dull or, sometimes, silent in my videos but I am working on myself.

I currently do playthroughs of various games. Since I'm using a laptop, games to record will be limited since running them will be laggy.

I don't have an upload schedule. Most of the time, uploading a video takes a few hours. Hence I don't get to post much. Also, I'm in college so I don't have lots of time to record.

My channel:


Active Member
Freedom! Member
Feb 14, 2015
California, USA
Hey and welcome! Being a content creator is definitely something to pursue. it doesn't always matter that you have a lot of view/subs. Personally, finishing a series/game can be a milestone, which you've already done. Shows dedication! Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay.


Respected User
Oct 25, 2015
love your videos man! I can relate, I work and go to college as well :/ so i feel ya on the time crunch thing