Gaming Hello People of Freedom!

I'm new here and this is the first time I've ever been partnered so I'm not completely sure what I'm doing so some help and guidance would be greatly appreciated :p

I just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
I'm Dylan Todd. I'm 22 years old and live in Northern Ireland. It's been quite some years now I've been active on YouTube making random videos with my friends during my mid teen years not really understanding YouTube at all but its only recently within the last year I've found my happy place with my current channel, DigitalDylanToddNI.
I make gaming videos with my friends but also by myself. My favourite genre of games to play is horror as they get the best reaction out of me and by reaction I mean screaming and wishing I never started playing the game in the first place but all is well as it's for the entertainment of others.
As of right now I have 644 Subscribers, which isn't a lot for some but to me that is absolutely crazy! Considering about 6 months ago I didn't even have 100 Subscribers xD

Anyway that is enough out of me. If any of that sounds at all interesting to you then check out my channel and see what you think :)

Let me know about you guys and what your channels are like.

Thank you for your time and have a class day! (its an Irish expression, basically means have a good day haha :p)