Community Hello Freedom! community


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
My name is liam and here are some QNA's about me.

Your name:
(Optional) Where are you from?: United Kingdom
(Optional) How old are you?: 10
How did you find Freedom!? One day I was just chillin' making videos and my friend told me about it.
What made you join our forums?: I thought I'd see what it's like
What are your hobbies?: Gaming and recording videos.
What is your favorite food? Well, I have loads but Ill go with pizza
Why did you start YouTube? Because I love helping and entertaining people.
(Optional)What is your biggest dream? To reach atleast 50k subs.
What kind of channel do you run?: Gaming and tutorials
What kind of content do you upload? Same like the one above gaming and tutorials
When do you upload?: Almost everyday.
Channel link: