Gaming Hello, Come enjoy my "session" gaming channel


New User
Feb 3, 2016
Hello freedom people!

Thought I would follow our overlord George's advice and post in here! So here is me! (I'm using the template which you can find on this forum!)

Your name: Thomas Fear

Where are you from?: Wales! Its in the UK!

How old are you?: 20!

How did you find Freedom!? I was looking to join a MCN for a while, when I hit 10k followers on twitch I decided I wanted to take on doing youtube aswell, while watch Drama Alert i saw a link to Freedom! After reading about this amazing place I decided to take this offer!

What made you join our forums?: To help connect with fellow youtubers and fans! To both receive help from the freedom family and to also help others!

What are your hobbies?: Well gaming (Obviously) but also am a massive movie nerd and a football or "soccer" fan! ( I support Liverpool don't judge me)

What is your favorite food? PIZZAAAAAAAAA

Why did you start YouTube? I started youtube way back when i was 15 with a friend, but we fell out and the channel died, i've been doing youtube on and off since then but then i started streaming on twitch and hit 10k followers, this has motivated me to re open a youtube channel in hopes to run both a successful youtube and twitch channel.

What is your biggest dream? To wake up every morning knowing that I have the ability to interact with people all around the world and to share one passion, gaming.

What kind of channel do you run?: So this is where is may seem weird to you guys, My channel is core gaming but I upload "session" gaming, basically instead of playing a game for a couple of hours and uploading the best I like to sit down and play straight up, and will upload both good, bad and average games (If you watch my cod videos you'll see what I mean) But I do plan to start doing playthoughs if a single player games comes out which I like the looks of and I also am starting a new series called IRL Wednesday's!

What kind of content do you upload? Gaming! All types of games and if you have any suggestions and what you want me to play let me know :)

When do you upload?: At least 3 videos everyday! Sometimes more!

Channel link:

More than happy to answer any questions! I'll also leave my twitch account here so you guys can catch me there too!

Peace and love! <3
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