Forums Getting points in order to post on other forum


New User
Freedom! Member
Aug 13, 2016
Hello, I am a new member and I would like to know how do I get points so that I'm able to post on other forum as well. Hope that anyone will help :D

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Hello Jasper, you don't need points in order to have access to other areas of the forums it is all depending on your posts. You can increase this number by posting replies on other peoples threads, think of it as one reply = one post. Though be careful not to try and abuse this by making 30 really short consecutive posts on one thread, such as "Hi", and "How are you" on two separate posts.
More information of the posts and gaining access the other parts of the forum can be found here -

Also it appears that may not of linked your YouTube Sub Button.
Go to this link -
and add your Channel ID for it to successfully appear

If you ever need any help, please don't hesitate to ask myself or other members in the Freedom Chat.