Game Suggestions

Prototype Ninja1

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Oct 18, 2015
Hey everyone ive been doing youtube recently more often and im wondering what games are in nowdays and what you think will get views, this isnt only for me but for everyone else so like that we can get people to know who would watch what and like their videos. if people keep suggesting we can keep this thread at the top for future gamers to have an idea what to play

Also can anyone give me feedback to my channel so i can improve it. you can check it if you want but its not necessary. the poll and opinions are my main aim in this thread

ill also put in a poll for you all to tell me what genre is best to play at the moment

i have played games like spore, minecraft and happy wheels so anything else thats suggested will help loads thanks :)

thank you to those who give suggestions and hope you all have a great day. ill check this thread in the morning to see your suggestions


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
First i must give my honest opinion that you MUST play what you like. Even if you play a brand new game that is released recently and gets a big hype that doesn't mean you will get many vieuws. The trick behind getting vieuws is a catching title and your own playstyle to make it unique combine that with proper advertising and your all good regardless from the game your playing ;)

My apologies if it may sound a bit harsh as it was not the intention.
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Reactions: Prototype Ninja1

Prototype Ninja1

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Oct 18, 2015
true i agree with your opinion that one must try make their content as best they can. i have done games like spore and soon doing old games i enjoy though its just recently ive been blank when thinking of games to play so i like suggestions here and there. i will do a bit of both cause its good to give fans what they want as long as you enjoy the things you do.

i do appreciate opinions so dont worry as long as you are not swearing haha
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Reactions: TwilightPrinze


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 17, 2014
If you just want to see a trend use Google.
It tool me 5 seconds to get this list:
But there are also plenty of other links.

However, if you are trying to be unique... give yourself a main topic and go after that. This will make your audience more consistent. (f. e. 8-bit-games, Minecraft, FPS, J-RPG, reviews of games using hand puppets)...
Just stay consistent so that your audience can also be consistent.

If not just work the trending lists.
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Reactions: Prototype Ninja1

Prototype Ninja1

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Oct 18, 2015
yeah i know, sometimes the unique ideas get the most views, i just figured its sometimes good to ask people what they think cause sometimes online trends can be for games that a general population liked in the past. but dont worry consistency recently is one of my main aims which is why im posting one video a day sometimes two depending on whether i have enough content to last a few days.

its good to get opinions from people here cause then everyone can see and make videos themselves and see what they get. end of the day it is like russian roullette where only some will get picked in a view list


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
true i agree with your opinion that one must try make their content as best they can. i have done games like spore and soon doing old games i enjoy though its just recently ive been blank when thinking of games to play so i like suggestions here and there. i will do a bit of both cause its good to give fans what they want as long as you enjoy the things you do.

i do appreciate opinions so dont worry as long as you are not swearing haha
Then it depends on what your looking for. A RPG can net a long series on video's like The Witcher 3 or MGSV wich can give a challenge in Single and Multiplayer. As for Arcade a game like Rocket League gives good fun and can net you some vieuwers if you work with others.


Renowned User
Freedom! Member
Dec 17, 2014
yeah i know, sometimes the unique ideas get the most views, i just figured its sometimes good to ask people what they think cause sometimes online trends can be for games that a general population liked in the past. but dont worry consistency recently is one of my main aims which is why im posting one video a day sometimes two depending on whether i have enough content to last a few days.

its good to get opinions from people here cause then everyone can see and make videos themselves and see what they get. end of the day it is like russian roullette where only some will get picked in a view list
Consistency means more than just uploading with a schedule. It also means that you try to appeal to a consistent audience. If I would have subscribed to you because you are presenting new games for the Commodore 64 than you should stay on that channel with the topic. If you would do new sport games for the Xbox I would unsucribe...
Also if you were funny in the beginning with good audio and now you would be trolling children with white noise...

Consistency has many factors.