Gaming Friday The 13th: The Game is Coming


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Freedom! Member
May 7, 2014

The new Friday The 13th kickstarter game is looking really great right about now. With the dev Gun Media not wanting to waver on the core elements that being, blood, guts, violence, and sex appeal, they have not sought traditional publishers due to current publishers most likely attempting to slap a Teen rating on a property that demands a Mature rating.

Gun Media Explains how important this game is to them and fans of Jason.

"It was a conversation built on mutual admiration and respect for what each had created. After several incredible meetings over the next few months, Sean surprised us by offering the Friday the 13th video game license. It was literally a dream come true for a group of lifelong fans."

For $25 gamers can reserve a Friday the 13th download code for PS4, Xbox One or PC upon its October 2016 release. The price will increase to $30 after the first 2500 claim this part of the tier system.