Forums Chat Box Suggestions (PC and Mobile)


Rising User
Freedom! Member
There are a few suggestions I recommend for the Freedom! chat box!

When a user joins the forums for the first time and opens up the chat, they won't see a [Close] button. I know you could close it by clicking outside of the popup but the first time user wouldn't know that.

Also, for the mobile version of the forums:

When you're in chat without the keyboard, you can see the messages fine. But if you're typing, you cannot see any messages. There are options in the CSS code I'm guessing that allow you to see the messages. I know you can adjust the keyboard height but I'm comfortable with the size and I do not want to change it. Here's an example:

My device is an ASUS ZE551KL and it has a Full HD 1920x1080 display. An idea would be to remove the formatting options for the mobile version since we really don't need it here. Hope this helps!
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