Gaming ABM The Gamer

ABM Gaming

New User
Nov 4, 2015
Hi all my name is Abbas, i am 18 years old and love gaming. i make youtube videos in my spare time and enjoy it and i intend to continue. I upload call of duty and clash of clans so if you play these games could you please take a look at my channel and if you like my content please subscribe and leave a like. i will subscribe back to you as i do this with all my subscribes.

Thank you for helping!


Mythic User
Welcome to the forums ABM Gaming! Never really played COD but have played clash of clans for a while. What do you think of the latest update?

Please note that asking for subscribers/likes isn't allowed in the forums. Just make sure you remember that in future. Be sure to check out the forum Rules

Good luck with your channel, hope to see you around the forums :)
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