youtube new freedom

  1. E

    Solved Espero su respuesta

    Bueno Equipo de Freedom , quiero unirme a su network estoy esperando su comprobación de mi cuenta cumplo con sus requisitos y la verdad espero unirme a ustedes me recomendaron y quiero iniciarme con ustedes espero me acepten pronto
  2. NittiFire

    Gaming Nitti-Fire here!

    Hello fellow Freedom members!;) My name is Nitti-Fire! I started YouTube just a little over a month ago and really new to thingso_O. I am a gamer making funny and helpful videos on Xbox one platform. (y) (Y) I'm willing to collaborate with any other freedom members to help our channels grow...
  3. T

    Gaming TurmoilPure:) new Youtuber

    Wassup everybody my name is kentsu and i have recently started a youtube channel now im on a 105 subscribers. I woud like to know if anyone wants to sub4sub here im trying to hit 150 subscribers. Thanks to freedom for being a legit business Im a gamer who posts GTA and other content My channel...