yandere simulator


    Gaming BOOMPLAYS gaming channel introduction

    i recently set up a new channel or my self with this name BoomPlays this channel is souly for funny gaming video where i am mostly crazy in but thats just banter. im currently re branding so this is the start and ill soon be making a separate channel for vlogs and real life videos aswell i...
  2. Frozty Gamer

    Gaming Is it worth KILLING for LOVE?

    What do you think?
  3. MindougHorror

    Gaming SANS IN THE GAME!| Yandere Simulator #3

    New yandere sim video, bunch of stuff has been done with the new keyboard i got \..:V../ I've got to be alot of people, and managed to to do alot of "stuff" in yandere simulator :D. FUN TIMES BABEY! My channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCzRYh-0mXK3lw31UJrb3gw GD...