
  1. EnderCat

    Solved Can I verify my youtube?

    Hey everyone sorry if this is a stupid question but how can I verify my youtube channel? hope you guys can help and thanks in advance!
  2. Vitinho Prod

    Canal Verificado

    como faço pra ter meu canal verificado.
  3. A

    Beauty Channel Verification

    Hi fellows, I saw a lot of YouTuber got ther YouTube Channel verified and most interesting thing is that their channel have below 1000 subs. Variation is 100-500 subscribers, and how they got their channel verified. Please if you know anything about this thread type me down below I will...
  4. M

    Solved How many subscribers I need to have for the verification tick on my YouTube Channel?

    Hey dear Freedom! Team! I'd like to know, how many subs/views I need to have to get verfied. The channel that I want to verify has almost 13k subs and over 1.3 million views. Is it enough? Best wishes! :) (sorry for my English :c)
  5. M

    Ab welcher Abozahl wird mein Kanal von Freedom! verifiziert?

    Hey liebes Forum-Team! Ich wollte euch fragen, ab welcher größe denn Freedom! einen Kanal verifiziert? Würde dafür ein Kanal mit fast 13000 Abos und 1.3 Mio Klicks reichen? LG
  6. Ruben Ruiiz

    Resuelto Por favor como encuentro el boton de learn more

    Hola, ayer me uni a la network pero no puedo completar porque no esta el botón de learn more, sigo con google adsense pero según leí no pasa nada con estar en adsense como completo la verificación ? Gracias!