under inflience

  1. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Questioning Officer McStone....

    Day 171 starts off with an interesting call involving a man and a giraffe. We do our usual police business around Freeburg and question the family and personal traits of one of our new recruits... McStone!
  2. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Ghost Hunter & Planning An Assault - That Doesn't Go Together Well

    As we begin day 169, We speak to a Ghost Hunter in regards to the city hall assault... and I personally don't think he helped in any way, but ok. I struggle with a sex-slave shipment coming into town; and I also lose my ability to determine if some calls are fake or not, therefor deal with a few...
  3. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Abuse of Power!

    We begin an investigation into the Snow Warriors just as we dismantle our other gang, the Church. We get some good amount of money from that. We deal with a hilarious call where Jesus reveals himself. We also deal with a Fire Deputy who's abusing his powers and looks to kill his ex-wifes new...