that akward giraffe

  1. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Hallway Simulator | Outlast #2

    This game is fastly becoming a scary hallway simulator, which isn't really a bad thing. I have a feeling next part is going to make me jump out of my chair. Thanks for watching, remember to subscribe for more.
  2. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Don't... Poke a Penguin

    Taking a break from Doom and Shadow of Mordor just to take some time to relax and enjoy things.
  3. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Are We The Doom Slayer?

    Died a lot less today, thank god but I'm still going to be very salty about dieing 18 times in the last video, so much salt that it'll last days. Since I have school starting the 22nd I am in the process to change the way I'm recording videos, so it doesn't take a day to make each one. I'll let...