
  1. MWproductions1000

    Gaming 3v3 Failure | Overwatch #17 (with friends!)

    No snarky comment. We just really freaking suck.
  2. MWproductions1000

    Gaming WANT SUM FUNNEL CAKE? | Overwatch #16 (with friends!)

    Funnelcake, elephant ears, any carnival food to make me forget how much we SUCK! Special thanks to Commander Pokekoopa and AgentWilson for once again joining me!
  3. MWproductions1000

    Gaming Sombra on the PTR! | Overwatch #13

    Sorry about the lack in uploads! I've been pretty sick recently. Anyway, yesterday I was able to get onto the PTR for Overwatch and play as Sombra!
  4. TheWhiteLugia

    Sombra better be ready for this thumbnail

    Thoughts? inb4 she isn't released til Blizzcon Kappa