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  1. O

    News and if we share of channel of youtube and subscribe all together?

    what say everybody? this is my channel:
  2. Kuyoyo


    Hows everyone? doing good of course? Well, I have new Opinion about Problem on Youtube. "BIG GETTING BIGGER" Thats happen now on youtube, BIG YOUTUBER getting BIGGER, but the small dont grow as much as big youtuber does. The content? it is not about the content, Small youtube can also doing...
  3. Xorganth Xorganth

    Offering Shoutouts for Freedom! Partners - Whats The Catch?

    Awesome Wonderful Freedom! Family I am starting a shoutout series on my channel where I will feature your channel, and maybe feature a video on my website. So What Do You Have To Do To Get Featured? Do you have to sub to me? NO Do you have to make a bunch of comments on my videos? NO Do you have...