
  1. G

    Solved This channel does not exist or has been stopped.

    Last week i started a channel and got advised to go to Freedom. But everytime freedom says that i got denied and got 2 issues on my channel. My friend also got that alert. But she can use epidemicsound. Also when i went to it sayd nothing but then i got the alert that my...
  2. Hawk Reacts

    Is Anyone's Videos Getting Demonitized?

    I just checked my youtube and 97% of my videos are demonitized because "it might be unsutable". Am I the only one seeing this? Is it a glitch?
  3. U

    Official Goodbye Youtube's video editor!

    Hello, all! Sad news guys, Youtube video editor, and photo slideshow is being canned. So for all of you that are unaware about Youtube video editor, You can use Video Editor tools to put together clips to create new videos and publish them to YouTube with one click. All of your uploads are...