
  1. tovah


    so this is the video explained everything go ahead and leave a like comment and subscribe because i do have new content but in the video thats right there i explained why i did clickbait
  2. DeadSilentTrent

    YouTube Forced to Quit...

    For awhile now my grandparents have been trying to make me give up this YouTube thing I have going on. While I was in school, they didn't bother me too much about but with me now out of school that is the only thing they talk to me about. I have tried everything to make them understand how and...
  3. Candid New England

    Educational Don't Quit

    I can tell you all: Don't get discouraged with people, quit Youtube, and delete your channel. That's what I did last year, and I'm totally regretting it now. I had all my videos backed up to an external hard drive that failed badly on me. I lost some priceless video I can't replace. I had...