police games

  1. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming The Long Lasting Series Comes To An End

    Day 178 marks the final day in this game. We handle a few crazy calls from Freeburg, one in particular where a man beats a women, and slices her dogs throat.... WOW! But by the end of the day, we get the go-ahead to proceed with the Assault on City Hall. Find out what happens, and what effect...
  2. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Finalizing Our Assault!

    Day 177 kicks off with a ton of people asking for the day off... like really? We interview one more guy prior to the City Hall assault and begin to get excited as we start to finalize positions. We handle a few more calls throughout the day which goes smoothly and no real problem hinder us.
  3. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Always Interesting Finding A Crazy Drug Lab - Run By A Crazy Man

    We begin day 176 by giving a stripe to a long time officer, O'Hanrahananananananana.... ya that guy. We deal with a patient gone wild, explosions in the park and a potential drug lab that was accidentally discovered. I send two cops for a model shoot, and lose one because of how gorgeous he is...
  4. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming What A Slow Day.... WTF?!?

    Day 175 and the task to collect details on City Hall continues as we interview the Gallery director and get some detail that could help... but not really. All-in-all today was relatively a slow day, not much in the way of calls. Sorry guys... LOL
  5. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming The End... Of Hulk Hogan

    Day 174 starts off very difficult as we find Kwan "Hulk Hogan" Do murdered for being a snitch... Today is not a good day for our department. Though our reaction doesn't really match our feelings. Don't take my laughter the wrong way, but we find ourselves a new snitch.
  6. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming To Be Safe.... Just Arrest Everyone

    Hello guys! Here's another video in my longest series ever for Healpleaseheal gaming, and I'm proud of it! The planning to assault city hall continues and we inch that much closer to taking out Mayor Rogers. We also respond to a call where a family is being kicked out of their home following a...
  7. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Questioning Officer McStone....

    Day 171 starts off with an interesting call involving a man and a giraffe. We do our usual police business around Freeburg and question the family and personal traits of one of our new recruits... McStone!
  8. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming He's Just Not Interested Anymore

    Day 170 begins with a call from a well known source who tries to give us some information on our ex-wife, Laura... But we in all honesty couldn't care any less about her. The beginning of the day seems pretty straight forward, until we get a call about a guy who's apparently going crazy, eating...
  9. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Ghost Hunter & Planning An Assault - That Doesn't Go Together Well

    As we begin day 169, We speak to a Ghost Hunter in regards to the city hall assault... and I personally don't think he helped in any way, but ok. I struggle with a sex-slave shipment coming into town; and I also lose my ability to determine if some calls are fake or not, therefor deal with a few...
  10. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Abuse of Power!

    We begin an investigation into the Snow Warriors just as we dismantle our other gang, the Church. We get some good amount of money from that. We deal with a hilarious call where Jesus reveals himself. We also deal with a Fire Deputy who's abusing his powers and looks to kill his ex-wifes new...
  11. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming For The Love Of God, Just Give Him A Tip!

    We start the day by scrambling to move around detectives to gather more Intel on our upcoming assault, and begin another investigation into a rape committed at a house party. We also don't respond to a call because we think it's kind of bogus.... but.... we should have responded to it. But we at...
  12. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming He Wouldn't Give Me The Day Off To See A Movie - Formal Complaint!

    I think i'm doing well as Police chief, but apparently I got under the skin of some of my cops so therefore they went and started to complain about me. Sorry I didn't give you the day off to go watch a movie, YOU LAZY BASTARDS!!!
  13. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Gang War - Which Side Do We Choose?

    Our job continues & gets harder with each passing day. A gang war is looming, and we must make a decision which can effect our town in the long run.
  14. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Deciding The Fate Of A Dead Man

    We're back, but this time get put in a position that can decide the fate of a man's family. Try not to do dealings with the Mafia.
  15. HealPleaseHeal

    Gaming Elderly Cops.... Just Don't Work Out..

    I'm ready to serve and protect as the police chief of Freeburg. The time for catching criminals and putting a stop to crime has arrived! Though having an elderly police officer doesn't help.