
  1. A

    Solved Requesting Invite

    Hi, I recently started my channel back up due to having more time and I requested a review for my channel since I have been uploading more content as of recent. I then got an email fairly quickly (within 24 hrs) saying that I had been invited and to go to my freedom dashboard in order to...
  2. A

    Solved Cant see earnings from invites!

    I cant see earnings from my invites!!!
  3. M

    Solved No me a llegado la invitación a mi canal

    Hola, Quisiera saber por que motivo mi canal no a sido aseptado, me interesa ingresar a esta partner y necesito información para saber en que debo mejorar para poder unirme a ustedes. Espero su respuesta. Gracias.
  4. semo

    Community Let's Grow Together in YouTube

    Hello every one.Invites all of you to my YouTube Channel.Welcome for cross promotion (SUBSCRIPTION & Channel COLLABORATION). Let's help one another and grow together in YouTube. :);):cool:(y) (Y)
  5. D

    Solved Please help. no partner invitation for channel

    Please help. I have recorded in the seven days before the Freedom I have not received any response so far
  6. C

    Solved Freedom! Invitation on Dashboard

    I recently linked my YouTube account with you guys, I haven't gotten an invitation yet. I wanted to make sure that everything is okay and it's still pending or something. Thanks, Chris
  7. M

    Solved wher is the invitation ("learn more button" hasn't shown up)

    wher is the invitation ("learn more button" hasn't shown up) need help