growth tips

  1. avrona

    YouTube Finally Made a Series That Does Well. What to do Next?

    In the middle of 2017, I decided to record a video of me opening my very first pack of Pokémon cards and that video beat all my expectations. Within its first hour, it got like 30 views, which is insane. My videos get around 10 views, so seeing how many it got in just an hour was incredible...
  2. Louisse Subido

    Educational Audience Retention

    It’s hard, it takes more work than you realize (most likely). But, it’s very possible. How? Focus on keyword research, relevancy and audience retention. Note, the video below mine in the black box is also Wil Dasovich's video. It has “the exact” keyword phrase for the title. It also had a HUGE...
  3. Drawyah

    Educational 1000 subscribers - Tips, achievements & more!

    Hey guys, looking around these forums I've noticed a few people asking about how to grow their channel from nothing and where to find their first few subscribers. I have a few minutes and in a good mood, so I've decided to create this post with a few things I did to grow my channel! QUICK NOTE...