
  1. Cayden Gaming

    PC Look for CSGO and PUBG colaboraters

    Age: 29 Main Topic: Looking for some people that would like to play PUBG (Playerunknowns Battleground) as either in duo or squad. Main objective would be to win, also an entertaining video. Also for CSGO current rank on MM is GNM and ESEA C Amount of Subscribers: 89 Other ways to contact...
  2. Integrity PG

    Gaming Looking For Xbox One Gaming Youtubers!

    Hey guys, my name is Arthur also known as IntegrityPG on YouTube. I have been making videos and recently got the correct equipment to make professional gaming content. The games that I play are CoD:BO3, GTAV, UFC, and sometimes I pay Killer Instinct. I think that what I do is great and want a...