
  1. Adam Nexis

    PC Looking for Eve Online colabs

    Do you play eve online, do you like dank kills, come pew with me :) From vets to new players all are welcome, come make so epic videos
  2. kpatjmat67

    Gaming anyone want to colab on a video

    guys I have had my channel for around 3 weeks and already have 22 subs and I want to do colabs with other people who are around the same size as me here's a sample of my work
  3. Anthony Green

    Community NewAgeColabs/Services

    NewAgeColabs/Services Come join this awesome network were a few people have already joined. Myself and a friend started this group to help small youtubers get going by colabing with people who have 100s of subs. how it works is the person with the high number of subs makes a video about the...