
  1. Marchman_97

    Black Ops 2 discussion! Join in!

    Was black ops 2 the best call of duty in there entire series or was it another COD? Opinions?
  2. Dominic_Diaz.7

    PlayStation Blacks Ops 3 Zombies

    Looking for some people (age 14-17) to play zombies with, I usually play on the giant map but I also have Der Eisendrache and I am also going to purchase more when the time comes.If you're interested leave your PSN name down below. My PSN-Hoodini_911 My...
  3. Shortie


    Hey guys my name is shortie and I make call of duty videos. I joined freedom 2 months ago and i love it here. There are so many kind and helpful people here, I have grown so much in 2 months thanks to freedom.