
  1. junaidmustafa

    Battlefield Versus Call of Duty? What Do You Think?

    I have played Call of Duty and I watched Battlefield. Personally, I think Call of Duty is way better than Battlefield. Now, What Do You People Think and Why?
  2. BrinoxX8

    Me presento. BrinoxX8

    Hola, muy buenas. Mi nombre es Adrian, soy de Sevilla. Tengo 24 años Me gustan los videojuegos y sobretodo comentarlos. El canal de BrinoxX8 lo establecí en el año 2009 pero llevo subiendo gameplays solo desde mediados de 2015. Intento subir un vídeo cada fin de semana, ya que trabajo 11 horas...
  3. TeeGee

    Gaming WORST Game Of Battlefield 1 Conquest EVER!

    Title says everything. Not even kidding.
  4. Zimrrik

    Is anyone tired of the Battlefield 1 Maps?

    I'm getting really tired of the Battlefield 1 multiplayer maps. Lol, I wish a DLC would come out by now.
  5. KazamaDaisuke

    Gaming Let's Shoot Some People - Battlefield Bad Company 2 Gameplay

    So now that i have my new rig up and running why not record something...In this case it is Battlefield Bad Company 2..a game i have been long waiting to record...and now i can...leave a comment if you want to see Battlefield 3 in the future too.
  6. Battlefield Experts

    Gaming Hello Freedom! Allow me to introduce myself!

    I am from Southern California. I found freedom though a small youtuber(Valoryze) who commented on one of my videos. I joined these forums to try to grow my channel and find other great channels. I love to edit and play first person shooters. Lately I have also been enoying Super Smash Brothers...