alien isolation

  1. Adam Smith

    Gaming Scary Saturday's #1 Alien Isolation!

    Hey Y'all! Today I start a new little series called "Scary Saturday's!" Basically I let's play a Horror game and upload it every Saturday. Starting with Alien Isolation!!! The first person Alien survival game.
  2. OOTWGZephir

    Gaming I'M NOT SCARED OF YOU!! Alien: Isolation EP 1

    Zephir and Drake depart on the Anesidora, to help main character, Amanda Ripley to find out with happened on Sevastopol Station and her mother but things lurk within the darkness...
  3. KazamaDaisuke

    Gaming Nightmare Fuel Alien Isolation Survival Gameplay

    Here I am facing my worst nightmare...a BIG ******* XENOMORPH.