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  1. Retriever

    No Man's Sky Anticipation

    Lucky you. I only will be able to play the game on Friday. I also hope the game lives up to the hype and not be a massive disappointment (i.e. WatchDogs)
  2. Retriever

    No Man's Sky Anticipation

    Hi everyone, I'm very excited for the release of No Man's Sky this week. I can't wait to play the game. I'm most excited about exploring all the planets (as many as I can). Who else is excited for No Man's Sky and what are you most excited about?
  3. Retriever

    Gaming Pro Gamer Manager LP

    Hey #FreedomFamily, I've started a "Pro Gamer Manager" Let's Play and I would love to here your feedback on it. Here is the first episode but if you enjoy it you can check out the full playlist here.
  4. Retriever

    Gaming Welcome to my Channel :D

    Welcome to the Freedom! Family!
  5. Retriever

    Gaming Hi Guys

    I did, but not for long. The game, in my opinion, is just one big joke, but after a short time it stops being funny.
  6. Retriever

    Gaming Hi Guys

    I saw one of George's videos in my recommended bar and from there onward I've been following Freedom!. I did play Goat Simulator (for about 20 mins).
  7. Retriever

    Gaming Hi Guys

    Hi Guys, as you can tell my name is Retriever. I enjoy playing Simulation games (like American/European Truck Simulator). I've started a series on mod showcases for ATS (first episode already went live). Feel free to check out my channel & don't hesitate do leave me some tips/feedback on ways I...