Search results

  1. The96Legacy

    Request Review My Channel Please.

    Love the banner and profile picture a lot! Very professional like :) Thumbnails are very clear and consistent with each other However, a little work on your YouTube titles may be a bit better. Overall, I like your channel a lot. :) Can you please review my channel as well?
  2. The96Legacy

    Service Free GFX/VFX (Intros, Banners, Profile Pics, etc.)

    As well as a Profile pic?! Thanks!
  3. The96Legacy

    Service Free GFX/VFX (Intros, Banners, Profile Pics, etc.)

    Hey K1ng, is it possible that you make me a YouTube banner? Thanks!
  4. The96Legacy

    PC PC Gaming Collab

    I play GTA 5 on PC and PS4 but I highly prefer the PS4 version since I got GTA 5 there first! Down to do some GMod, CSGO, and TF2! Name the others as well!
  5. The96Legacy

    PC PC Gaming Collab

    Looking to Collab with my fellow PC Master race Users! I can do any and most games! My YouTube channel is Throw a message down below if you're interested!
  6. The96Legacy

    Gaming Searching for a group of gamers

    I'm down to join!
  7. The96Legacy

    Request Please Review My Channel

    I went on a Hiatus for a year now on YouTube videos and I just recently started it up again. However, I was wondering if any of you guys had some good tips for me to better my video editing skills or anything in general to help me better my channel! Thanks...