Search results

  1. Dead Magic Social

    Rate my channel out of 10?

    I'd say 5. Very clunky, little to no unity in any of the thumbnails, no about page. Positives: Extremely clear mic, very smooth video quality.
  2. Dead Magic Social

    I need some opinions on this...

    Make sure you are looking into the camera at times to make sure your viewers think that you are talking directly to them.
  3. Dead Magic Social

    What's the 3 titles you're tired of seeing?

    Well, whenever I see the word Minecraft in the title of a video if it isn't an SMP I kind of tilt my head in disgust.... that game, although incredibly fun to play, is just getting old on YouTube.
  4. Dead Magic Social

    My Channel Is Dying

    Just keep pushing yourself man. There are plenty of secrets to SEO... make sure you check them out.