Search results

  1. Pumpkin Smashers

    Service Professional design Just $1

    Sweet! Take your time man. Let me know either here or by email. Either is perfectly fine. ^_^
  2. Pumpkin Smashers

    First Love?

    Mine would have had to have been Runescape.. I was literally obsessed with this game. When I was a kid though, it was SO much more then just a game. It was a lifestyle for me. An escape from my life - and it's not even that I had a bad life. Had lots of friends, amazing parents, etc. I just...
  3. Pumpkin Smashers

    What was your first game you remember?

    I got to say, my very first game was some very random game on my old box pc. I seriously cannot remember the same, but it was a 2d game, a lot like pokemon with terrible graphics. If I remember correctly the monsters were normal things such as grapes, etc. Maybe a little different, not sure. All...
  4. Pumpkin Smashers

    Gaming We Are The Pumpkin Smashers.

    Why thank you! Every word counts on these forums. :)
  5. Pumpkin Smashers

    Gaming We Are The Pumpkin Smashers.

    Your name: Well, that's an easy one! We are THEE Pumpkin Smashers. We go by no name, but rather an image :-) (Optional) Where are you from?: All three of us are from New Brunswick, Canada. The Great White North as some people may call us! (Optional) How old are you?: Two of us are 20 and the...
  6. Pumpkin Smashers

    Service Professional design Just $1

    I am interested. I would like an Icon and a Banner.
  7. Pumpkin Smashers

    GFX Request A Simple Face Avatar (Minecraft)

    Hello there wonderful Freedomers! I doubt that's even a word, but anywho, I'm here asking for a very simple Minecraft profile picture. It doesn't have to be amazing artwork (since it IS a free request afterall), I just need something with a decent background and perhaps a cartoonized face! I...