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  1. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Watch Time Milestone Over 1 Million Minutes of watch time in this month!

    Pretty happy about this, my channel is getting a lot of views recently :p
  2. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Solved Can Freedom claim a video for me that has stolen a clip from me?

    So this guy has basically just taken a clip of my video, made a montage with the clip in it. Didn't give me any credits and the clip is like 40 seconds. Can freedom claim the video for me? I've heard about this previously. And where do i get in contact with someone about this?
  3. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Solved Next month payment

    Usually right after we receive our payment on the 31th, we see how much we'll get next month. It's the 2th now and i still don't see how much I'll be paid. When is it getting updated?
  4. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Solved If i change my paypal email will i still receive the money THIS month?

    My question is, if i change my paypal address on freedom right now 30rd, we're supposed to get the payment tomorrow, will i still receive the payment on that paypal or will i get skipped for this month?
  5. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Solved Haven't received the Freedom partnership badge yet

    Hello, I applied for a Freedom Partner badge multiple times, but I've never received it. I am partnered with Freedom. Let me know if you need more information. Have a great day. -DailyDoseOfHighlights Youtube URL:
  6. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Solved Says I'm Paid 2$ of my 72$

    I'm literally so confused right now, under paid it says I was paid 2$ on the 14th of January when i'm supposed to receive 72$ in the end of the month. Can anyone explain?
  7. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Subscriber Milestone 1000 Subs

    Wow, my channel just 1000subs, i got over 430subs only in December, this month has been big for me. I've hit over a million views as well. Hope y'all hit your milestones in 2016 as well, this is a perfect start of 2016 for me :D
  8. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    YouTube Views Milestone 1 Million Channel Views & 900 Subs on the same day.

    Yay just realized my channel hit over a million channel views and i passed 900 subs, got both of these highlights today, such a good day :D
  9. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    YouTube Views Milestone 100K Views over 48 Hours.

    I can't belive it, my channel has received 100k views in 48 hours. I currently have around 770 subs so i think this amount of views is insane. Just wanted to share this and say never give up, my channel has been slow for months now but suddenly it can just explode again.
  10. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    YouTube Views Milestone 850K Views, in 50 videos.

    Yeah so pretty much my channel just hit 850k and i've only uploaded like 50 videos. I don't do it for the money or anything but it's just insane to me to think that 850k people have seen what i uploaded xD I haven't been uploading for so long either i'm considering taking youtube to the next...
  11. DailyDoseOfHighlights

    Solved What day of the month will we be paid?

    What day of the month will we be paid at? *Crossing fingers for 28rd or earlier*