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  1. icdeee

    Subscriber Milestone 20,000 subs! :D

    Very happy to have reached 20,000 subs recently - been a fun ride so far but it does get a little difficult to balance with other commitments sometimes... Anyway, best of luck with to other YouTube creators out there. Fighting! :)
  2. icdeee

    Subscriber Milestone 10,000 subscribers AND 1 million total video views

    Today is a really special milestone day to me... My Channel has finally surpassed 10,000 subscribers AND 1 million video views in total. When I first started I really did not expect much and only uploaded once every few months, so this is really a very pleasant surprise!! :):) Wish everyone a...
  3. icdeee

    Solved October earnings do not include Red earnings?

    Apologies if there is already a thread out there on this but I couldn't find any so creating this new one.. I noticed for my October earnings on the Freedom Dashboard that YouTube Red earnings have not been included. When I multiply my estimated earnings (excluding Red earnings) by my revenue...
  4. icdeee

    What to do with old videos you are not happy with

    There are some old videos on my Channel that I am not happy with, mostly because they were done using lower quality equipment (compared to the recent ones), or that they simply don't sound very good (make me cringe when listening back).. Curiously enough (not..) most of these happen to have the...
  5. icdeee

    YouTube Views Milestone First video to have reached 100,000 views!

    Well, normally I am not a fan of posting these milestones but this is one that I have been waiting to hit for quite some time now and it came earlier than expected so I am really happy and wanted to share my happiness with you fellow Freedom! partners! :D My channel has been around for 2 years...