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  1. EthPlayzz

    VR Streaming Team/Group!

    Hey Guys So I have been very inactive over the past few months on YT and Twitch mainly because of Exams at school. However with that being said I purchased a second monitor meaning it is much easier for me to now stream so I was looking for a Streaming team/group who would just stream at any...
  2. EthPlayzz

    PC Join ONEesports CSGO Team!

    Hey Guys about a month ago I was selected to start a CSGO team for the recently successful ONEesports Team. They have been together since April 2015 and have been very successful in COD, Halo (with there team soon to go pro) Fifa and much more! So today I have been sent out to recruit CSGO...
  3. EthPlayzz

    PC Join the ONEesports CSGO team today!

    Hey guys so The Team ONEGamingEsports (their twitter: have asked me to help them build a CSGO team that would play in Gfinity and Faceit tournaments for prizes, pride, have fun and much more! If you guys would like to help me in this team here are the...
  4. EthPlayzz

    PC Streaming Team/Group!

    Hey guys so I am soon going to be streaming alot more often than I do now (like once a month) and I was looking for a team to do it with which would be about 3-6 people. Hopefully it should be alot of fun as its always more fun streaming with people and we should all be able to grow alot...
  5. EthPlayzz

    What do you think about the Burka?

    Hey guys in the recent event of things, France and the Netherlands have banned the Burka in security areas for recently obvious reasons. I just wanted to know what you guys think about it. Imo I think they should be banned not for the fact of their religion but only for the reason of safety as...
  6. EthPlayzz

    PC Rust Collab! 3-5 people!

    Hey guys So if you clicked on this I presume you know what the game rust is and you probably already have it but I ma starting a survival series on rust for my channel in the next couple of weeks and was looking for around 3-5 people to accompany me with it but if we get more people that will be...
  7. EthPlayzz

    PC Rust Collab! 3-5 people!

    Hey guys So if you clicked on this I presume you know what the game rust is and you probably already have it but I ma starting a survival series on rust for my channel in the next couple of weeks and was looking for around 3-5 people to accompany me with it but if we get more people that will be...
  8. EthPlayzz

    I am at that stage...

    Hey guys so today I took a step back and looked at my channel and I thought I am at that stage... and no I don't mean weird hair growing in places I didn't know I had. I mean the stage of a dying channel I am at this point and getting about 1 sub a week if that and I am trying everything and...