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  1. Viowolf

    Comedy Twiggy: A Savage Bundle of Sticks

    DISCLAIMER: This video is entirely satire. This essence of this content is to be stupid and provocative. Don't take anything in this video seriously. Thanks
  2. Viowolf

    What mic should i buy/use?

    Word of advise from someone who owns a yeti. The Blue Yeti and Snowball are good microphones for their price and ease of use, BUT I only recommend them if you have a setup with a good mic stand and little to no background noise. The design of these mics tend to make them real sensitive to even...
  3. Viowolf

    Thoughts on my build so far?

    I didn't even know Corsair sold SSDs, but from what I could find, it's all good. I see nothing wrong with this build at all.
  4. Viowolf

    Is going from 8gb to 16gb of ram really worth it for editing?

    This is the correct answer when it comes to encoding. Unless you are encoding multiple videos/streams at once your not going to see a reduction in queue time. If you really want to see a reduction in queue time, you will want to get a Intel CPU and in turn an Intel motherboard. The competitor to...
  5. Viowolf

    New Build

    I personally wouldn't go with that particular SSD, because I've heard on numerous accounts that particular drive does not give the read/write speeds it advertises. I would go with the Samsung 850 EVO. Good company, and it gives its advertised read/write speeds
  6. Viowolf

    Are "Kidding Comments Parodies Reaction Videos" Allowed?

    As long as you're not going out of your way to make someone look bad for something they didn't do. Example: If you were to accuse a gaming channel that they were cheating in a game, it would be defamation if what you said was false and if your accusation hurt that channel's reputation in some...
  7. Viowolf

    The Argument - Mac vs. PC

    I would assume that you mean PC as in Windows Computers vs Macs as in OS X. I go to a school where you are given a Macbook on enrollment, and I'm now in my Junior year at this school, so I've become familiar with the Operating System. Here is my take. Pro for PC/ Con for Mac: A benefit to PC...
  8. Viowolf

    Would this build be enough to play games, record, and edit?

    DO NOT USE THAT POWER SUPPLY, PLEASE! Your power supply is the most important part of your PC. Ask anyone with experience in building PCs and they'll tell you the same thing. Don't cheap out on the power supply. Here are a list of some dangers associated with using cheap PSUs: Increased risk of...
  9. Viowolf

    Are "Kidding Comments Parodies Reaction Videos" Allowed?

    Most of the time, the reason these videos are not taken down is because of "fair use". To put it simply, fair use allows other people to use copyrighted content without the original creator's permission if they are able to change the meaning or intention of it. In the case of these youtubers, it...
  10. Viowolf

    How did you find out about Minecraft?

    I would always hog my cousin's tablet, when he came over, for the pocket edition when I was younger. I honestly thought it was the best game ever.