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  1. iJoonaGamingNinja

    Solved Im Not a Freedom Partner anymore, will i be charged for Epoxy?

    im NOT a Freedom Partner anymore. thats what im asking if it automaticly stops working, or do i have to disconnect it manualy
  2. iJoonaGamingNinja

    Solved Im Not a Freedom Partner anymore, will i be charged for Epoxy?

    Basicly title, im not able to log into my Epoxy account even anymore. Kindof scared because Epoxy costs alot of money.
  3. iJoonaGamingNinja

    Solved Unlinked No Notice

    same happend to me.
  4. iJoonaGamingNinja

    Solved Channel Unlinked without notice

    Yep, same problem. YouTube told me that i had been unlinked from my MCN and that if i wnated to keep earning i had to join YPP AGAIN (Second Time) and get an adsense account.