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  1. Somthiingsick909

    Solved Partnering my second channel

    Yeah I just accepted youtube partnership for the new channel so its technically "Partner Verified" now and i re-added it to my youtube dashboard and now it says "Active" and still says not in YPP
  2. Somthiingsick909

    Solved Partnering my second channel

    Hmm I dont have that option. This channel was also created after april 1st
  3. Somthiingsick909

    Music Promoting Indie Artist!

    Thanks man if you ever need some dope music for your videos or just want to listen to dope music feel free to subscribe to :)
  4. Somthiingsick909

    Music Promoting Indie Artist!

    I dont make music myself and what gave me the idea is that one of my closer friends works pretty hard making good music but doesnt get much for it at all I felt like it would be a good thing to try and help promote these smaller artist and kind of create a community for them :)
  5. Somthiingsick909

    Music Promoting Indie Artist! So I recently made this new channel basically promoting smaller music artist with dope talent! Trying to help give them the promotion they deserve. Please check it out you might really love the music these artist produce and could use...
  6. Somthiingsick909

    Solved Partnering my second channel

    So I have been a freedom partner for a while now and I recently created a new channel and connected that channel with my freedom account. On the freedom website it says not in YPP and on my second channels dashboard it doesnt say to connect the freedom partnership like it should i think. Is...