Search results

  1. T

    Entertainment Hey, I am a film maker!

    Hey, I've been making short films and guides with more content coming soon, I recently hit 50 subs and hope to make many more and support and be supported by the Freedom family. I'm not interested in sub for sub only want people who and interested or enjoy my content.
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    Subscriber Milestone 50 Subs!

    I hit 50 subs a we while ago but haven't been on the forums in a while. So here goes my 50 subs announcement!
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    Other Milestone growing and uploading

    I have started uploading and sharing my content and ideas on freedom and have had lots of support and grew by several views and several subscribers.
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    Solved Does freedom have a discord server?

    I was wondering if freedom had a discord
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    Entertainment Hi, I make films and other content you'll enjoy!

    I have been making short films and enjoyable content, Check out TDDOM on youtube!
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    Entertainment Gaming and short films

    My channel name is TDDOM, I don't have much content up now but have heaps of content planned with other larger you tubers in my area, please take a look at my channel and give some feedback.