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  1. jasonkiltipper


    thats very introducing... :/
  2. jasonkiltipper

    Subscriber Milestone Small Milestone! :P

    That´s great. I subscribed to your channel. Hope it helps and good luck with growing :)
  3. jasonkiltipper

    PC Collab on PC?

    Only games related channels?
  4. jasonkiltipper

    PC Making Colab Group

    You wanna collab only with games related youtubers?
  5. jasonkiltipper

    Community 12,000 Subscribers - anyone wanna collab?

    what is decent following for you? :) Like 20 is good :D
  6. jasonkiltipper

    YouTube Best way to promote!!

    Maybe you should research if sony vegas tutorials are trending high enaough. You know. Its too chained too one topic. And how many people does sony vegas compared to avid, premiere pro and other video editing sws
  7. jasonkiltipper

    YouTube Who are your favorite Youtubers and why?

    I like film riot. They are funny and do great stuff. I like movie reviews and on this topic I pretty much like Chris Stuckmann. Vsauce if you like science.