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  1. chilidoggames

    Gaming My Name Is Chili Dog

    Awesome! I'll check out yours too! Oh okay! Thank you I was wondering why it was giving an error I think it's working now??
  2. chilidoggames

    Community Shoutout/Participate in our Youtube Show!

    This is so awesome of you guys to do!! I will make my submission later :)
  3. chilidoggames

    Offering Gimme all ya channels :)

    Sir Plasmalot!! I have subbed and I just forgot to give you some feedback on here :) I really enjoy your channel and hope maybe one day we can play something together! Hey there Crazy :) This is amazing that you are doing this, I have done this on subreddits for a few months now and it takes a...
  4. chilidoggames

    What is your goal for 2017?

    I would have to say I have the same milestone idea that you do Rafij! 1K subs is definitely my next milestone and I hope to reach that by the end of 2017. I also hope to make more connections with other YouTubers and to collaborate with many more people on this platform and just generally grow...
  5. chilidoggames

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subs

    I recently reached 100 subs!!! Had to take a short break right after I reached that milestone though hahaha. But I am back, and I have heard that once a channel reaches 100 subs, the rest is easier. I am very proud of this and never thought I would genuinely make it to this point!
  6. chilidoggames

    What is your favorite game released in 2016?

    I would have to say that Overwatch definitely has best game of 2016 hands down, the game has swallowed up hours and hours of my time and I do not even feel bad about that.
  7. chilidoggames

    PC Hey I Just Hit 1,000 Subscribers anyone want to collab?

    Congrats man!! I would love to collab, I have about 107 subs currently and I like to believe I am a pretty "funny" and "cool" guy. Message me if you are interested and we can chat :)
  8. chilidoggames

    Gaming My Name Is Chili Dog

    Okay well no, my real name is Reinert, but I go by Chili Dog on YouTube. I create all sorts of videos and have branched out recently and created vlogs and skits rather than my regular gaming videos. I really enjoy making YouTube videos and it makes me happy to create a community and to talk to...