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  1. monito

    Gaming Heya Heya, Guys! This is Foxy!

    welcome aboard zorritoburrito!! ( cute and kinda delicious name >x<
  2. monito

    Tech Hey, I'm BrokenGlassesTech

    hello and welcome to freedom my friend!! ^^ as they say above, it´s great you decide to show your passion to others, and it´s cool doing it when you have time to spare, that ensure you have the patience and energy for it.
  3. monito

    Community New To Forum

    welcome aboard churro!! ^^ hope you enjoy your stay in the forums and also... men your name kinda makes me wanna go and buy something to eat atm xD
  4. monito

    Community Hello Everyone

    yeah, i´m a bad person i know xD
  5. monito

    Community Hola que tal xD

    eeeem.... hola, bienvenido ^^´ en cuanto a tu pregunta, creo que tienes que aplicar en.... no recuerdo bien que sección del foro, los requisitos no creo que sean muchos, la verdad es medio tarde de mi lado asi que si puedo checar bien te pasare la info correcta vale? ^^
  6. monito

    Community Hello Everyone

    ¨ welcome to the family son... ¨ * goes behind him/her and punch him in the face sorry, couldn´t help thinking in the guy from the demo from RE7 when i put this message xD
  7. monito

    What video game protagonist do you hate the most?

    can´t put a name really, just any character that get´s to much of any emotion, being sad... or spending an awfull lot of the game crying or complaining about anything D: we get it, you´re sad/angry/happy about something, don´t try to get all the game about that thing!
  8. monito

    You're locked in a room for 3 months with no internet.

    ok.... no internet you say?... well my 3 choices could be: 1.- Siren for ps2 (let´s be honest, without a guide you´re pretty much lost at the beggining 2.- Castlevania SotN (i dare you complete all logs and ítems drop in the time limit x3 3.- Medievil (love Sir Daniel don´t judge me!!! D:
  9. monito

    What games do you play? Reply below.

    sure, just have to ask a friend to let me record in his pc because my poor lap can´t run and record the game ;-;
  10. monito

    What games do you play? Reply below.

    well here i go. ok, atm mostly play pvz garden warfare some resident evil OrC dead space 1,2 and yet have to finish part 3 a little dragon crown killzone 2 and 3 Darkest Dungeon (want to start a gameplay of this one) aura kingdom at times... and i think those are the games i play more atm xD
  11. monito

    Gaming heeeello beautifull people from internet

    jeje, wow did i forget to check again the fórum this week, been kinda busy with work and personal stuff to give me a little time to have a peek and what´s going on @w@ again, thanks at all the people who give a little of your time and say hello really means a lot ^^ and yeah, need to put a bit...
  12. monito

    Outlast 2

    good evening ^^ well, about the game, it´s true that not many things were put in the demo but it was a good point i guess, just giving a little peck of what can we expect, but to be honest i want a little more gore when the enemies find you and kill you xD
  13. monito

    Gaming heeeello beautifull people from internet

    wow, thanks a lot for all your greetings and good wishes, feel kinda embarrased for all the attention ^^Uu yeah, the Outlast series is one of the favorites from our channel, asu (asura gabriel) was the one in charge of that game, really funny guy once the game starts to mess with his head xD
  14. monito

    Gaming heeeello beautifull people from internet

    thanks for the welcome, and you´re sure i´ll try to make good Friends here ^^
  15. monito

    Gaming heeeello beautifull people from internet

    well hello people, new guy over here!! :3 ok, what can i say about us the guys that run ¨Monito visión¨ that doesn´t make us look like a bunch of weirdos... well, first of all we´re from mexico, all 4 of us like to play videogames on our free time, you know, how hard it is at this times to do...