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  1. The Breneck

    Gaming I am The Breneck

    Thanks man
  2. The Breneck

    Gaming I am The Breneck

    Hi, I am The Breneck (No thats not my real name, Its Bren), Anyway I am new to YouTube. Would love for some advice and maybe feedback on my content. Anything is OK. Don't mind a bit of criticism. Thanks for taking the time to read this, Good Day!
  3. The Breneck

    Gaming I'm New!!!

    Hey Guys my name is The Breneck I upload CS:GO and other random video games mostly PC games on YouTube Please go check me out
  4. The Breneck

    Most popular games?

  5. The Breneck

    I have a question....

    Not Really
  6. The Breneck

    Why do simplistic games get the most attention?

    Because are attention span is tiny