Search results

  1. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    Unfortunately I'm about to go offline for the night (From the UK you see :d) however I should be available sometime tomorrow, I've added you on skype btw
  2. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    Noice, do you have skype or some other instant messaging platform?
  3. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    I'm pretty much open to anyone really, even if it's a one time thing :)
  4. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    Nice, it's a good program that satisfies pretty much everything I need
  5. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    I use OBS Studio
  6. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    I generally play things such as League of Legends, Garry's Mod. I am starting to play things like Saints Row 3 and Minecraft on there. However I do accept requests from the audience. Generally, I only tend to play Multiplayer Games as I find streaming on my own difficult.
  7. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    Just added you
  8. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    Nice, how would you like to get in touch? I have Skype 'n stuff
  9. TechBroadcast

    VR Looking for someone to stream with

    Hi, I've owned a couple of channels before. But finally settled upon Livestreaming, I personally find it more enjoyable. Anyway. Down to business. I am looking for someone to stream with. I primarily do PC gaming, however I could possibly do Xbox 360 or PS3/4. I stream to both Twitch and Hitbox...